Ethiopian Orthodox priest open to the gospel of Jesus Christ

Tuesday in Ethiopia was an AWESOME day!  Our 4 small teams went to our host church mission site this morning to meet our translators & disciple-makers.  We prayed for the harvest field & sang worship songs in Amharic (Ethiopian national language) before splitting up & going to our mission sites.  Today I had the opportunity to talk in depth with an Ethiopian Orthodox priest.  I started by sharing a little about America & transitioned that into my personal testimony.  I’ve found that authenticity in our testimony is attractive & I shared with the priest about my incorrect view of God when I was young & how that led to rebellion (alcohol, drugs & promiscuity) in my younger years.  After my testimony I shared the gospel message through the evange-cube which tells a picture story of the bible.  I asked some diagnostic questions after our talk & he still says Jesus is the “way” but also must do “good works”.  The priest was totally locked into the story & afterward said, “I have learned much about the bible from you, I would like to meet with you tomorrow & we can study the bible together”.  Our translator got his phone # & we’ll find out what happens tomorrow but I am continually amazed that an Orthodox “priest” who is supposed to be a spiritual influence for his people doesn’t have a correct understanding of salvation according to scripture.  Story by Tim 


The North Americans feel great physically but we could use some more rest.  It is such a blessing getting to know & partner with our Ethiopian friends as they are so encouraging.  Please continue to pray for:

·      Open hearts to the gospel of Jesus Christ 

·       Continued good health for North Americans 

·       Safety as we travel on Ethiopian roads 

·       Unity with our Ethiopian partners 


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