Tuesday update- Our God is in the business of changing hearts

Praise God for His faithfulness! This morning as we gathered for breakfast, we prayed over our team, translators, disciple-makers, and the Ethiopian people that we would encounter. Specifically, we asked God to move in tangible ways that would make His presence clearly known to both us and them. Boy, did he ever deliver on that prayer! At multiple moments throughout the day, we found ourselves sharing the gospel with precious children and were shocked at their eagerness for what we had to share and at their hunger for the gospel. It was incredible to witness the Lord break down the communication barrier between the Americans and Ethiopians through His provision of our translators. Through the interactions today, many children as well as adults made the decision to put their faith in Christ & not made made rules & religion.  

At one point this morning I had 12-15 men surrounding me & listening intently as I shared my story of life change & how God has changed my life from the inside out.  After sharing my story & the Gospel message I asked them to raise their hands if they belived this message was true & there were 10 out of the 15 who raised their hands.  Praise the Lord for his faithfulness in moving in peoples hearts & drawing them to himself. 

We are overjoyed to share that the remaining 5 people from our group have safely arrived at the mission site and even had time to spare to jump in with the rest of the group on sharing the gospel. We have been so encouraged by the Lord’s faithfulness to bless the calling that He has given each of us on this trip, despite the travel challenges we have faced earlier this week. Regardless of what circumstances may look like at the outset, this trip so far has been a great reminder that our God can do anything and we can trust that everything in accordance with His plan will surely come to pass in His perfect timing. 

It great having all 21 North Americans together again.  We have 1 person who isn’t feeling well so pray that our sick team member will be able to feel better soon & hold down water & food.  Everyone else is in great spirits.  I have been so impressed by the great attitudes in spite of all the travel woes. 

Please continue to pray for:

      Ethiopian hearts would be receptive to the message of the Gospel

      Unity between the North Americans and Ethiopian partners

      Good health for North Americans 


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