Monday update- Excited to see God work

This has been an eventful trip with lots of challenges already.  Sorry I haven’t been able to update the blog but I’ve just now been able to connect to wifi.  

Our team was supposed to fly out of Dallas on Friday morning but due the weather in Newark (our connecting point) our Friday flight was cancelled.  We were fortunately able to get booked on a flight to DC that would connect us to Addis Ababa for most of the group but we had to be at the airport @ 4:30AM on Saturday morning.  Our Saturday flight was uneventful but meant that we had a 10 hour layover in DC.  5 of our group had to fly through Houston & due to weather in DC they never made it & had to spend the night in the airport only to take a flight the next day from NYC.  3 days of airports, flights & layovers & most of the team is finally in Hosanna (our mission site) with the group of 5 expected to arrive late Monday night in Addis to join us Tuesday afternoon.  

In spite of all the challenges, our team is in good spirits.  We had a chance to meet our Ethiopian partners this afternoon & we had an awesome time of fellowship & worship.  We are admittedly tired from all the travel but it is amazing how your perspective changes when you get your eyes off your trials & focus your eyes on Jesus in worship.  

We are SO EXCITED to see what God has in store for our mission days starting tomorrow.  Check back in for stories from the mission field & real time prayer requests.  

Please pray for:

      Last group of 5 that they would land safe & that all their bags would arrive on time

      Ethiopian hearts would be receptive to the message of the Gospel

      Unity between the North Americans and Ethiopian partners

      Continued good health for North Americans 

      Safety & good health for North American family members at home


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