God who answers prayer - Thursday update

Today was such an unbelievable day. God continuously opened doors and opened hearts in ways we couldn’t have imagined. Throughout the week there has been different types of spiritual warfare and today with our group that started right when we left for the village. We had only driven about 10 minutes when our van popped a tire on the main road. We all got out of the van so the driver could change the tire, and Autumn and I began to interact with the kids who were standing there. We started playing with bubbles and soon the group went from five to around forty to fifty. We taught the kids head shoulders knees and toes in English and their faces lit up, so fun! One of our Ethiopian leaders told us, “this isn’t our ministry site today, but it’s okay we share here”. So we went through the evangecube, meanwhile the group was continuing to grow. At the end one of the disciple makers took over which was so cool as the ministry will soon pass to them once we leave. Several kids accepted Christ and it was just so cool to see how what the devil intended for evil, God used for good! – Story by Kali


Today we went to a new village in the same area we had visited earlier in the week.  As we were walking the path we stopped and prayed for God to direct our feet to the people He wanted us to talk to.  We continued to walk and met a woman who was a believer, but was a little standoffish.  We asked her if she had a anything specific we could pray for.  She began to tell us that her husband chewed chat (a local narcotic which they chew).  She had also been accused by her husband’s family of going to a witch doctor which has caused them to want to disown her.  As we were praying for her, she ended up on her knees postrate on the ground, saying Jesus over and over.  After the prayer, her demeanor completely changed, and she told us the night before she had been praying and had a dream.  In this dream, God told her that ferenges (white people) were going to visit her to pray for and encourage her.  We walked away amazed at her faith and God’s divine timing in sending us to her house today. – Story by Heidi


We wrapped up our last ministry day with full hearts.  We had a celebration service with our Ethiopian partners this afternoon and said goodbye to our Ethiopian friends.  It is hard to describe how much you can love someone who you just met on Monday but we dearly love & cherish our Ethiopian brothers & sisters.  We have 2 team members who have some stomach issues which is normal at this stage of the trip.  Tomorrow (Friday) we start the 7 hour trip back to Addis Ababa.  Our remaining time in Ethiopia will be spent eating some good food, trip processing & re-entry training & getting some rest preparing for the flight home. 


Please continue to pray for:

·      Continued unity with our Ethiopian partners 

·      Safety as we travel the roads back to Addis Ababa 

·      2 sick people would recover their strength quickly 

·      The remainder of the team would remain in good health  

·      The new believers faith would be strengthened in the face of persecution 

·      Team 2 who is preparing to head to the airport tomorrow to start their journey to Ethiopia 

·      Team 1 as they process all that God did this week & how we can remain on mission back home in Dallas 


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