Thursday update - God changing Ethiopian hearts!!

Today was a day of seeing God provide in ways bigger than we could ask or imagine. After worshipping together with all of the Ethiopian & American team, our small team broke off and went to a village. The disciple makers immediately took us to a volleyball court that was empty. Walking to the court, we were praying that the Lord would provide people and that many would hear the Gospel preached. Our team started playing and in less than five minutes we had an overflowing court of people. One of the disciple makers took me aside to an Orthodox lady that was standing off to the side watching. She spoke English pretty well so we got to learn more about each other and then shortly went into my personal testimony followed by the Gospel. She asked a lot of good questions and together we looked at scripture. While we were talking, a large group formed and started following along. Looking back, I saw that the court had transitioned from volleyball to a place where around 200 people were hearing the Gospel preached. Our small team of 4 North Americans & Ethiopian partners had broken out in four groups and each were answering questions and sharing scripture. A bit later we had to leave because a few were trying to make a scene and disrupt the others, but we were so encouraged by how many got to hear. As we were walking back to the van, a teenage boy followed and asked if he could ask us a few questions. You could see a light bulb go off in his head as truth was revealed and he chose to believe. So many other small teams had similar stories of one person coming up after hearing in a large group and wanting to ask more questions & choosing to put their faith in Christ. It was a reminder to the team how Jesus would chase after the one lost sheep (Matt. 18).


At lunch, all small teams had a chance to pray and worship with our Ethiopian partners. Singing, jumping and praising together (in the rain) was one of the highlights of the day. It was such a beautiful picture of the church.  Story by Kali


The North Americans are wore out.  Breakfast starts at 7:00AM where we eat & do devotion together.  By 8:15 we’re in the vans & driving to the mission site with our Ethiopian partners.  We get back to the hotel around 5:00PM & have a chance to freshen up before dinner.  After dinner we have worship together & team processing time.  As of Thursday night, the team feels good but are understandably tired.  There are a couple people who have some stomach discomfort but nothing major.  Please continue to pray for:

·      Continued good health for North Americans 

·       Safety as we travel on Ethiopian roads 

·       Unity with our Ethiopian partners 

·       Those who have accepted Christ that they would stand strong in the face of persecution


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