Our God is in the business of changing lives - Monday Ethiopia update

Today was our first day out in the mission field of Ethiopia. We went out into the beautiful countryside, with a cool breeze, a little rain and a lot of mud. We saw God at work in the hearts of the Ethiopian people and encountered some Christians, and some Muslims. Taylor, Autumn and I (Melissa) got to meet a Muslim woman that had a 2-year-old daughter who said she used to be Christian but married a Muslim man and converted to Islam. She wanted to give her life back to Christ but was worried her Husband would abandon her and her daughter. In the Ethiopian culture this is a big deal as women do not have many rights without a man or husband in their life and it can cause much hardship. We shared the Gospel with her and Taylor encouraged her with a personal testimony of how Christ changed her life and reminded her that Jesus loves deeply and He is a God who provides. After some time, she confessed she wanted to surrender her life back to Christ. We prayed for her and the joy on her face was infectious and our eyes were full of tears seeing how Christ captured her heart. Shortly after this we encountered another Muslim woman named Sophia who also chose to give her life to Christ. We were able to connect the two women so they can support and encourage one another. In addition to this, Taylor shared the Gospel with a younger Muslim girl who gave her life to Christ as well. It was an amazing day seeing Jesus transform hearts and to witness the beginning of life change with an eternal impact. Please join us in prayer for these Women and their families.  Story by Melissa

Awesome start to the 2nd consecutive week of ministry.  The North American team is feeling healthy & encouraged by what God is already doing.  The weather in this part of Ethiopia is AWESOME!!  The high temp is low 70’s & the low is in the high 50’s (probably the same as Dallas right?).  Please continue to pray for:

·      Open hearts to the gospel of Jesus Christ 

·      Unity with our Ethiopian partners

·      Continued good health 

·      Safety as we walk the Ethiopian mountains & drive the Ethiopian roads 


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