Changing hearts (Ethiopian & North American) - Tuesday Ethiopia update
Today was the second day in the mission field and it would be an understatement to say that God is definitely working in people’s hearts. Mattie and I used the bubbles to start a conversation with some of the kids (the bubbles were a total hit by the way!) Our crowd eventually grew to about 20 kids and maybe 10 adults. After that our translator started talking to one of the elders who let us know that there was a teenage girl who had just accepted Christ that week along with her whole family. At that point Mattie decided that she would share her testimony with the crowd and this teenage girl to encourage and support them. Mattie shared of her life before Christ and the hole she tried to fill with worldly vices. Mattie explained how once she accepted Christ she felt the hole fill with the Love that only Christ could offer. All while she was sharing, I (Paige) was standing next to 4 older woman who were whispering amongst themselves. One of the women and I looked at each other and felt the love radiating between us and were both overcome with emotion. I gave the woman a hug and was embraced so tight it almost hurt. The next woman gave me a hug as well and then proceeded to shower my neck and my cheek with kisses. It was at this point I started to cry not tears of joy but tears of love. The next woman gave me a hug as well and then held my face with her hands and wiped my tears away. She looked deep in my eyes and with a smile whispered “thank you”. As we embraced each other we turned our attention back to the group and proceeded to pray together. It was such a beautiful moment to share with everyone. People from two different countries, cultures and ways of life able to come together through the Love of Christ and worship Him together. Story by Paige
The team is feeling great except for 1 person who wasn’t feeling 100% this morning & they stayed at the hotel to rest. It is awesome watching God move in people’s hearts as they hear the story of God’s redemption. For some background, there is organized religion in Ethiopia but organization religion has used rules & regulation to manipulate people vs God using grace to free people to have a personal relationship with God of the universe. I have told our North Americans that I job this week is not to try to convince people that what we believe is right & what they believe is wrong. Our job is to share how awesome our God is & how he has changed our lives. Please continue to pray for:
· Open hearts for the Gospel of Jesus Christ
· Continued good health for the North Americans
· Safety as we travel the Ethiopia roads dodging goats & donkeys
· Unity with our Ethiopian partners
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