Saturday update - last day in Ethiopia

Sorry for the lack of blog updates the last couple days but internet has been lacking.  Team 2 is back in Addis Ababa after our ministry days in Hosaena.  We had some team members get a little sick on Weds & Thursday but that is not uncommon for Ethiopia.  At this point most everyone is close to 100%.  Today, Saturday, is our off day where we will spend some time shopping, eating some good food, getting some rest & training on bringing the mission field back home to Dallas.  The training at the end of the trip is as important as the training at the beginning so pray that the team processes this time well.  Late tonight we will get on an airplane for the long ride home & are excited about seeing family & friends  


Please pray for:

·      Refreshed & renewed hearts 

·      Good health for the North Americans 

·      Strength for the new believers who will experience persecution for their new faith

·      Disciplemakers will shepherd/disciple the new believers with patience 

·      Luggage will make it back to USA

·      Safety for the day in Addis & the long trip home 


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