Muslim hearts open to truth of Jesus Christ - Tuesday Ethiopia update
Our team arrived at the village this morning and were greeted by a large group of locals on motorcycles as they were on their way into the city. They stopped and we began to share the Gospel story with them. While they all listened politely, they eventually responded that they appreciated our story but they were Muslims and did not want to change their religion. They thought our story was nice, but simply that, a story. This was indicative of most of our day. We would share and many would listen, however many responded that they could not believe in Jesus because they followed Islam. It was obvious by the expression in their faces that many of them were struggling with what we were telling them. An internal, spiritual wrestling as they heard the truth of the Gospel, yet they were afraid of the community’s response and the persecution of leaving their faith.
It felt as if much of the village was fearful of what might happen if they made the decision to follow Christ. It was as if the entire community were like dominos precariously placed. If one would step out in faith then a multitude would follow suit and a revival would be born out of the boldness of an individual.
Later that day, we were welcomed into a family’s yard to come and play soccer and volleyball with the local children. Micah, a girl from our group, got to share the Christ with an older man by the name of Getachew Handiso.
After she shared the Gospel, he told her that he had heard of Jesus’ sacrifice for our salvation from a missionary that had visited their village several years ago. After the missionary’s visit, Getachew said that he sent his three sons to church and they were now living as faithful Christians today. He said, while he was happy for his sons, he was sad that he, himself, could not make the decision to follow Jesus because he was the Imam of the local Mosque. He said while he knows that we worship the True God, he is afraid to tell his community out of fear from persecution. He knows that he needs to follow Christ and would appreciate prayer over his situation.
Please pray for Getachew Handiso and his village. Pray that he, and others would come to the point where they can no longer allow their fear to overcome their faith. Pray that an entire Mosque, an entire community, would be changed because they would believe and trust in the wonderful grace that Jesus offers us, freely as a gift. -Samuel Ewing
Many Muslims are hearing the message of grace through Jesus Christ but there is a cost to following God. Persecution is a real thing as people are forced to leave the community, families are split up & people lose their homes & farms if they profess faith in Christ. The team is feeling good & those who had stomach issues are feeling better today.
Please continue to pray for:
· Muslim hearts open to the gospel of Jesus Christ
· Strength to stand up to persecution for those who profess Christ
· Continued good health for the North Americans
· Unity with our Ethiopian partners
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