In awe of our God - Wednesday update
Today simply left me in awe of God. We began the day with the intention of going to a certain village, and then got stuck in the mud twice. After getting stuck, our disciple makers saw it fit to go back to the area we went to yesterday. We walked for a while along the dirt path on our way to a church that was expecting us, when we came across mud too deep to walk through. We decided to hop over a fence and walk through a field, when we came across the backside of a house. The woman invited one of our disciple makers and our team into her home, through the back door, which is never done in their culture. We were chatting with two women and three little girls and then walked in a man that we watched accept Christ yesterday. We then found out that he had shared what he learned about Jesus with his mother just last night, but she did not believe him because of all the things he had done in the past. She said us finding our way to her house (only because we got stuck in the mud & couldn’t go through the deep mud) confirmed that God wanted us to meet her. She allowed us to share the gospel with her and she accepted Christ. Her son then came and sat in front of her on his hands and knees and she prayed over Him with mind blowing authority. Her son verbally agreed to stop drinking. Before we left, I asked if I could give her a hug and she would not let go. It was such a beautiful picture of heaven. She said to our translator “You didn’t walk into our house, Jesus walked into our house.” On our way out of town, the son was already sharing the gospel with his neighbors. All I have to say is only God could pull off an afternoon like that.- Story by Kaitlin
We had an awesome day 3 of ministry. We have so many stories that I can’t put them all here. God has been so faithful to answer prayer & move in the hearts of the Ethiopian Orthodox & Muslims. We finally received the remaining 8 bags of luggage that had been held hostage in Ethiopia customs. Praise the Lord!! Tomorrow will be another ministry day followed by a celebration service with our Ethiopian partners.
Please continue to pray for:
· Open hearts for the good news of Jesus
· Continued good health for North Americans
· Unity with our Ethiopian partners
· The new believers faith would be strengthened in the face of persecution
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