God's timing is perfect -Ethiopia story from Wednesday
Our team arrived in the village where we immediately walked up on a water well where the women and children of the village were gathering water for the day. We were able to share the gospel with the group of 20-30 girls. After we shared, 2 teenage Muslim girls began asking questions about why did God let Jesus die, and who killed Jesus. Although they weren’t ready to accept the gospel, it was encouraging to see how they all stayed for the entire story.
Later on, we were trying to find a place to eat lunch. On our way, we saw this gigantic tree that was HUGE, nothing like the trees in Dallas. We decided to stop and take pictures by the tree. As we were taking pictures, a Muslim man named Adega walked up to us and started sharing the history of the tree along with his story. He shared with us that his son had gotten sick many years ago. They had taken him to a Christian church to be prayed over and he was healed. Tim asked him why he wouldn’t want to worship a God who is able to heal his son. He said he wants to believe but is afraid of his family and community. Tim asked if he could share the gospel with him and he agreed. After Tim finished, Adega told us he believed we were “messengers from God” to share with him. It is so amazing how God used his wonderful creation of an ancient tree to put us in the perfect place to engage with this man. If we hadn’t gone out of our way to stop and take pictures of the tree, we would have never had met Adega. We were then invited to his house where we got to rest and pray over Adega to be encouraged and that God would give him peace to be able to accept the gospel and live it out publicly.
Please pray for Adega and his family that he would be courageous and step out in faith no matter what the cost. Pray that his son, who is a Christian can encourage him and water the seed that were planted. ~Lauren Bonner
The team is encouraged by all the seeds being planted after our 3rd day of ministry. Tomorrow (Thursday) we will have a celebration service in the afternoon where we celebrate all that God has done this week. We have a couple who have stomach issues but that is normal for this stage of the trip. Please pray that God would strengthen them & that they would be able to go out for our final day of ministry.
Please continue to pray for:
· Open hearts to the gospel of Jesus Christ
· Strength for the new believers to stand up under persecution
· Disciple-makers would shepherd & care for the new believers
· Good health for those not feeling 100%
· Unity with our Ethiopian partners
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